Data Broker Name:
ModFx Labs Private Limited
How a consumer may opt out of sale or submit requests under the CCPA:
A consumer could click "Opt-Out From Collection Of Personal Information" link on our website ( to visit the relevant section of our privacy policy which has a web form to submit an Advertising ID for opt-out. Alternatively, a consumer could send an email to "" providing his/her Advertising ID for opt-out.
How a protected individual can demand deletion of information posted online under Gov. Code sections 6208.1(b) or 6254.21(c)(1):
Protected individuals may click "Opt-Out From Collection Of Personal Information" link on our website ( to visit the relevant section of our privacy policy which has a web form to submit an Advertising ID for opt-out. Alternatively, they could send an email to "" providing their Advertising ID for opt-out.
Additional information about data collecting practices:
Please see our privacy policy: