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Both California and federal law give an identity theft victim an important right. This is the right to get copies of documents relating to fraudulent transactions made or accounts opened using the victim's personal information. The information can help law enforcement investigate the crime and can prevent repeated violations.
You may use the form provided with this Information Sheet to ask creditors or other businesses to give you copies of applications and other business records relating to transactions or accounts that resulted from the theft of your identity.
When you file your police report of identity theft, the officer may give you a form to use to request information from creditors or other businesses. If the officer does not do this, you may use the form provided here. After you receive the documents from the business, give copies to the officer investigating your case.
When you call a creditor or other business to report the identity theft, explain that you will be sending a request for applications and other business records relating to the fraudulent transactions or account. Ask where you should send your request and if any proof of your identity or affidavit of identity theft is also required.
The Fraudulent Account Information Request Form, pdf is provided to help you request the information from businesses. You are not required to use it. If you choose to use the form, make copies of it. Fill out one copy for each creditor or business. Send each creditor or business a completed and signed form. Enclose a copy of your police report of identity theft. If a business asked you to send proof of identity, send the proof or affidavit requested. Also enclose a copy of the federal and California laws provided with this Information Sheet.
This fact sheet is for informational purposes and should not be construed as legal advice or as policy of the State of California. If you want advice on a particular case, you should consult an attorney or other expert. The fact sheet may be copied, if (1) the meaning of the copied text is not changed or misrepresented, (2) credit is given to the California Department of Justice, and (3) all copies are distributed free of charge.