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Criminal History Records are not subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. In California, state and local summary criminal history information is confidential and access is strictly regulated by statute. Penal Code section 11105 expressly authorizes the DOJ to disclose state summary criminal history information to law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes only, to certain employers or regulatory agencies, or to the person who is the subject of the record.
Individuals have the right to request a copy of their own criminal history record from the DOJ to review for accuracy and completeness. For more information, please click on the "Criminal Records - Request Your Own" tab on the right side of this page.
The DOJ does not maintain or provide certified copies of California Local and/or Superior Court Records and as such, does not provide these source documents. To obtain a transcript, you will need to contact the court with jurisdiction over your particular case(s) for certified documents.
The DOJ is required by law to record summary arrest, detention, disposition, and personal identification information when submitted by a law enforcement agency or court of this state. The record retention policy of the Department is to maintain criminal history information until the subject reaches 100 years of age.
Arrest and court disposition information can only be modified or deleted by court order or at the direction of the arresting agency/district attorney having jurisdiction over the criminal matter.
Once you have obtained a court order, to process an update of your criminal history record, you must first obtain a copy of your criminal history record. For more information, please click on the "Criminal Records - Request Your Own" tab on the right side of this page.
Section 1203.4 does not obliterate the fact that a defendant has been "finally adjudged guilty of a crime." It merely frees the convicted felon from certain "penalties and disabilities" of a criminal or like nature.
If you feel the information contained within your criminal history is incorrect, you may submit a formal challenge to the Department of Justice only after you have received a copy of your record from the Department, pursuant to California Penal Code sections 11120-11127. For more information, please click on the "Criminal Records - Request Your Own" link on the right side of the Background Checks home page.
Form BCIA 8706 "Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy or Incompleteness" will be mailed to you along with your record. Submit form BCIA 8706 and any supporting documentation to the Department of Justice at the address provided on the form. The challenge will be reviewed and a written response will be provided, along with an amended copy of your criminal history record if appropriate.
Prior to the granting of a license, you must contact your jurisdictional local agency (sheriff or chief of police), where your business will be located, not where you reside, to obtain the secondhand dealer or pawnbroker application package. The application package contains all of the necessary documentation and information you need to become authorized.
Please Note: The DOJ does not provide this information to the applicant.