
Permanent Tables

Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Section 12372, an owner licensee of a gambling establishment may apply to operate additional tables on a permanent basis by submitting the following to the Bureau of Gambling Control:

(1) A completed and signed application form entitled "Application for Additional Authorized Permanent Tables" BGC-027 (2) A non-refundable application fee of $500, plus a Bureau review deposit in the amount of $400 pursuant to CCR Section 2037

The Commission shall not grant the application if any of the following are disclosed by the Bureau's investigation:

  • (1) the requested increase in the number of tables exceeds the number of tables allowed in a particular cardroom or in the jurisdiction;
  • (2) the requested increase in tables has been denied by the local jurisdiction in which the gambling establishment is located;
  • (3) the gambling establishment's state gambling license is suspended or is subject to conditions precluding the approval of an increase in the number of tables;
  • (4) the gambling establishment has outstanding fees, deposits, fines, or penalties owing to the Commission or to the Bureau.

Temporary Tables

Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Section 12470, an owner licensee of a gambling establishment may apply to operate, on a limited and temporary basis, for a tournament or special event (hereinafter, event), more tables than the gambling establishment is authorized to regularly operate. To apply for additional tables, the applicant must submit to the Bureau of Gambling Control, no less than 45 days prior to the event, the following for each event:

  • (1) A completed and signed application form entitled Cardroom Business License: Gaming Tables CGCC-CH7-07
  • (2) A non-refundable application fee of $500 plus a Bureau review deposit pursuant to Title 11, Cal Code Regs., Section 2037, made payable to the Bureau of Gambling Control.
  • (3) Fees for the additional tables, as calculated according to the form in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

The Commission shall not grant the application if a review by the Bureau discloses any of the following:

  • (1) The requested temporary increase in the number of tables would exceed the number of tables allowed to be operated by the local jurisdiction for either the particular cardroom or the jurisdiction where the gambling establishment is located.
  • (2) The requested temporary increase in the number of tables has been denied by the local jurisdiction where the gambling establishment is located.
  • (3) The gambling establishment's state gambling license is suspended or contains conditions precluding the approval of a temporary increase in the number of tables.
  • (4) The gambling establishment has outstanding fees, deposits, fines, or penalties owning to the Commission or to the Bureau.

The Commission may deny the application if the application as submitted was untimely or incomplete. A request by an applicant to withdraw the application shall result in the application being considered abandoned, and the fees for the additional tables and unused deposit amounts returned, with no further action to be taken by the Commission or Bureau. The Bureau shall complete its review of the application and submit its findings to the Commission within 25 days of receipt of the application. The Commission shall then either approve or deny the request within 13 days of receiving the Bureau's findings and notify the applicant, in writing, of its decision. The Commission may delegate the authority to deny the requested temporary increase or to issue a license certificate approving the requested temporary increase in the number of tables to any employee of the Commission.