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California voters in November 2004 passed Proposition 69, the "DNA Fingerprint, Unsolved Crime and Innocence Protection Act, pdf to expand and modify state law regarding the collection and use of criminal offender DNA samples and palm print impressions.
The initiative gives the Attorney General's Office, California Department of Justice, and many other state and local agencies the responsibility of implementing the new law.
On this website, you will find information regarding implementation and the central features of Proposition 69, including the responsibilities of law enforcement agencies, the California courts, district attorneys, correctional agencies, federal correctional institutions and mental health and sex offender treatment facilities with respect to California's DNA database and Data Bank Program.
The Office of the Attorney General is committed to the Sexual Assault Victims' DNA Bill of Rights. The Rapid DNA Service (RADS) for all sexual assault kits collected in 46 California counties is a reflection of this commitment. Furthermore, the Attorney General has made a Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Tracking database (SAFE-T) available to all law enforcement agencies receiving RADS services. Sexual assault victims will be able to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding the status of their sexual assault kit based on information entered into SAFE-T.
Per Department policy, participation in RADS and SAFE-T requires a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the DOJ and the law enforcement agencies in each participating county.
This quarterly report provides information on the number of samples received by the California Department of Justice since the beginning of the program, the number of samples received from the state Department of Corrections, the number of fully analyzed samples for inclusion in the Federal Bureau of Investigation Combined DNA Indexing System (CODIS) database, the number of profiles transferred to CODIS, the number of qualifying profiles entered into the California Department of Justice Databank from both persons and case evidence, and the number of "hits" and investigations aided by DNA evidence as reported to the National DNA Index System (NDIS). The report also confirms the accreditation status of California Department of Justice laboratories, participation in CODIS and includes an accounting of funds collected, expended, and disbursed pursuant to Proposition 69 (Penal Code section 295, subdivision (h).)
Government Code section 76104.6 requires each county to submit an annual report to the Legislature and the California Department of Justice (Department) on the total amount of penalty assessments they collected, allocated, and expended for authorized programs to implement the DNA Fingerprint, Unsolved Crime and Innocence Protection Act (Proposition 69). Each annual report is due to the Legislature and the Department by April 1 of the following year, and the Department is required to make these reports publicly available on its website.
Each report posted below is a compilation of the county annual reports received by the Department. As the Department does not prepare the reported figures, or receive or review supporting documentation, any questions regarding the data contained in these reports should be directed to the individual counties.
These reports provide updates on the number of DNA samples added to the statewide database, samples removed from the backlog and number of database hits.
See also CAL-DNA Hits Reported January 1984 - February 2025, pdf
Study 1: This study of 100 adult felony arrestees with no prior felony convictions found the majority of DNA database hits between these persons and murder, rape & robbery crimes, come from DNA database samples collected at their arrest for drug, DUI, fraud, & property offenses.
Study 2: This study of 3,778 adult felony arrestees found only 8 percent of DNA database hits to murder, rape and robbery crimes come from DNA database samples collected from persons who have their DNA collected at arrest for another murder, rape, or robbery crime.
If your DNA was taken at arrest, you can ask to have it removed from DNA Databases, under the following conditions:
To facilitate the expungement process, please see the Expungement Request Form Instructions, pdf and the Expungement Request Form, pdf.